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Dear Letter, It has been a hooot minute. I was taking a study break and decided let's catch up. I was looking through my notes app and...
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Forgive Pharoh
Dear Letter, Sasa, letter, I thought it would be a while since I came back to write my last post for the year but I have been thinking...
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Stuck in Egypt.
Dear Letter, Life has a funny way of catching up with me. For the past three months, I have been lying to my close friends that I am...
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It's Time for a Change!
It has been 5 years and a couple of months since I started this blog post - that right there says a lot. And well much has happened... I...
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Letter to Self
... to remind me who I am Hi you! You just turned 22 about a week ago *does the dance (iykyk)*. You made it to see 22, crazy but just...
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My Vegan Journey...
Back in December, I decided I wanted to go vegan, however, I had to wait till the new year because there was NO WAY I was going to miss...
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Leaders are readers, something like that
Remember when you were kids and your parents made you do things you didn’t want, so as you grew older you rebelled against doing them...
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I Know My Worth!
I was in a great place for a while, finally had my self-confidence after who knows how long. Loved not wearing makeup and still slayin (I...
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Meet my friend
This weekend I got the opportunity to volunteer at the Texas Chargers Retreat. I was assigned to be a group leader for 9 - 15 children...
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GLR Φυλή
Let's flip back to months before freshman year. I know that we all know that I know this was the time social media knew that you will be...
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Back to the Roots
I was going to write a different post since each day was a new experience but I decided to sum my trip to the motherland in one post....
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Other than the treadmill
I don't go to the gym as much, honestly, the first time I walked into a weight room was when I got to college. The rec only saw me the...
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MY experience
Working at a fast-food restaurant has been a ride. The laughs, the frustration, the smiles, the people, the lessons, the faces you make....
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Good Ol' Days
Time flies, one moment you are here next moment you are somewhere wondering where the time went. The days I would sit in class with one...
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Life on Me...
As life goes on, I have come to the realization that I gotta take life as it comes. I have to be joyful when the sun is shining and...
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What is Beauty?
I wish I knew, the only definition that comes to mind is yours. Beauty is what you decide to define. As the saying goes, "beauty is in...
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