As life goes on, I have come to the realization that I gotta take life as it comes. I have to be joyful when the sun is shining and endure when thunder is hitting. It's okay to cry at situations, be sad at times, and have those 'I'm just not feeling the day' days for no reason. Life ain't sunshine and rainbows. I will persevere in the hard times, wear a smile on my face all the time, laugh at random times, have the courage at the fearful times, and trust God at every time. Someone once told me, "every day may not be good but there is something good to every day." Try your very best not to complain - life could be better but it could also be worse. Remember you are living someone else's fairytale. Enjoy life while you are here; celebrate and cherish every moment because you never know which hand you are going to be dealt next. Change happens, the bad days come, but it also rains before a rainbow. Hey! Somedays you just gotta make your own sunshine - and that's okay because something about life is it's short and unpredicted.
Life on Me...
Updated: May 11, 2021