First, I thank God for reaching me safely. Second, I am blessed with an African Queen like my mom. Even though I persuaded her to let me drive to college on my own, I know I left some worry in her heart. My mom's love for her children radiates through her love for God. She wasn't the only one; you see I strongly dislike road trips, let me rephrase that (I dislike drives that are more than 1hr). Driving to College Station on move day was the way to begin a new sophomore year experience. Living in Kenya for the summer taught me parking less is more. The day before the moving day I try to pack as light as I could. I had faith all the stuff would fit in my parents' car and I expected it to fit because my goal was to not make my mom make a round trip to bring any remaining stuff. Reached the destination and had to unpack what I packed last night. Do the adulting things like go to the grocery, and oh now it's time for me to cook dinner. Today was move-in day and you just read the cliff notes.
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