It all started one summer morning when I woke up to check my... (you thought). There is really no interesting story behind why I deleted some of my social media. Social media (SM) has its benefits but it also has its peaks; I got nothing against it. The thing is I found myself getting on Instagram and Twitter every few minutes just to see what I already saw. I usually refreshed the page to look like I get on my phone a lot. I was very lazy to watch every Snapchat story and I found myself posting stories only when I went to nice places. I deleted my Snapchat because it was pointless (like three people snapped me at certain times of day - some before the streak timer ran out). Twitter became less entertaining after high school (less drama to read about when you get to college). If I was writing this about a year ago I would say something like "I got off Insta to take a break because I found myself playing the comparison game." After a while, I came to the realization how ironic it was to look at someone's social media and wish I had their life (I don't really know what they are battling in their life, so if I wish for it that means I want everything that comes with it). I like keeping up with people, seeing the artsy pictures, etc. But that didn't need me spending most of my time just to get an update. I didn't get off or delete all SM, I just don't get on some as much. Once in a while, I will get on to promote something, update family on Facebook, see where people at. My point is I stopped obeying my social media. Now I have all the time I need to be productive and do the things that are actually more important to me. I mean if people need an update on my life it called a phone number.